We know that the labor and delivery experience can be both exciting and stressful for moms and family members. That’s why at the Nest at Baptist Health System, we’re here to help you feel safe and comfortable from the moment you step into one of our labor and delivery hospitals in San Antonio to the time you go home with your newborn. Everything you may need during childbirth is right here, including access to a Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) should the circumstances call for it.

What to Expect During Labor and Delivery

Our Labor and Delivery Suites

No matter which Baptist hospital you choose, our labor and delivery suites come equipped with everything you'll need, from dimmable lighting and large windows to abundant storage and spacious visitor areas.


Take a 360º virtual tour of our facilities now to see labor and delivery rooms at all our locations.

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What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

When it comes to packing your hospital bag, it's best to have things ready around a month before your due date. After all, only around five percent of babies are born on their actual due date. Packing early gives you enough time to prepare for the unexpected, but should things move faster than planned, you can rest assured knowing the Nest will provide you with all essential supplies for you and your newborn.

The Nest at Baptist Health System provides gowns, socks, underwear and postpartum supplies including pads, ice packs, pericare supplies, wraps and more. We'll also provide diapers, wipes, blankets, hats and bathing supplies for your new arrival.

Need help packing your bags? Download our free hospital bag checklist below.

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OB Hospitalists

Babies don't always stick to the plan. If your little one decides he or she is ready to arrive at 3:00AM, you may be wondering if your doctor will even be awake to help you deliver. That's why at the Nest at Baptist Health System, we have 24/7 OB hospitalists on site to give you peace of mind. Always on-site, our OB Hospitalists support your doctor or midwife and your birth plan, providing care when your physician is not immediately available.

Learn more about the OB Hospitalist program.

OB Hospitalists

Labor and Giving Birth: C-Sections

Ready to welcome that new baby? With suitcase packed and baby room ready, remember to consider the final stages of labor and giving birth. As the due date approaches, it may be possible that your doctor will recommend a Cesarean section, or C-section.

What is a C-Section?

Cesarean section, or C-section, is the birth of a baby through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus rather than through the vagina, or birth canal. About 30 percent of all babies born in the United States are delivered by C-section. Regardless of age, one out of every three first-time moms has a C-section. The chance of C-section rises as a woman’s age increases, even if her pregnancy is considered low risk.

Doctors may advise a C-section for one or more of the following reasons, including:

  • Multiple pregnancy
  • The baby is in a breech (bottom or feet first) or transverse (sideways) position.
  • The baby is known to have certain birth defects.
  • The baby is too big to pass through the birth canal.
  • Previous C-section delivery.
  • Existing maternal medical condition, such as HIV or genital herpes.
  • Maternal health condition, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Labor and Giving Birth: C-Section Experience

Some women may plan to have a vaginal delivery, but if problems arise during labor, an emergency C-section may be performed to deliver the baby safely. Some reasons for an emergency C-section include:

  • Problems with the placenta, such as placenta previa (when the placenta is below the baby and blocks all or part of the cervix) or placental abruption (when the placenta separates from the uterine wall too soon).
  • If labor stops or does not progress normally.
  • If the baby’s shoulders get stuck in the birth canal.
  • If the umbilical cord is pinched or enters the birth canal before the baby.
  • If the baby is in distress.

A C-section typically takes no more than an hour, and may happen before labor begins. Some women choose to have Cesarean delivery for the convenience of knowing when the baby will be born and for a reduced risk of damage to the pelvic floor that could cause incontinence. However, setting a date for a C-section needs to be close to the predicted delivery date because babies born earlier than 39 weeks can have health problems. 

However, as with any major surgery, there are risks associated with a Cesarean delivery. Complications from abdominal surgery include infection, increased blood loss, adhesions (internal scars), injury to an organ, blood clots or reactions to anesthesia or medication. Compared to a vaginal delivery, women who undergo a C-section typically remain in the hospital longer and experience an extended recovery period.

Whether you deliver by Cesarean section for medical reasons or by choice, carefully consider all the risks and benefits of the surgery. You can still have a vaginal birth later even if you give birth the first time by C-section. To find out more about your delivery options, talk to your doctor.

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