Mission & Ministry Service

At Baptist Health System, spiritual care is foundational in the provision of whole person care to our patients, families, staff and community as we help people achieve health for life through compassionate service inspired by faith.

Our History

Baptist Health System (BHS) was formally affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT) for more than 50 years. In January 2003, the Division of Mission & Ministry was created from the then current Pastoral Care & Education department, along with the addition of the new leadership role of Vice President of Mission & Ministry, now Chief of Mission & Ministry. In so doing, Baptist Health System continued to honor its faith-based tradition by upholding faith-friendly care to all who come to BHS facilities for service and to all who serve in the BHS community.  

Our Services

The Mission & Ministry (M&M) team cherishes its role to champion professional spiritual care within the holistic interdisciplinary care in our hospitals and clinical sites. Our Pastoral Care & Education strives to be professional in every way, to promote the highest ethics in providing inter-faith chaplaincy care to all patients, families, staff and community alike. Professional chaplains are always available for spiritual support in all our hospitals. The M&M team maintains and develops holistic relationships with the BGCT and other faith communities.

Our professional chaplains are fully integrated with the interdisciplinary medical teams to provide holistic, heartfelt health care. Chaplains understand the essential spiritual component to wellness and know how to deliver the compassionate care that is at the heart of Baptist Health System.

Patients and families may choose to request chaplain services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When to call a chaplain:

  • Before and after surgery or other serious procedures
  • When confronting a new diagnosis or difficult illness
  • For help coping with fear, anxiety or uncertainty
  • When in need of an advocate to assist in your hospitalization
  • When concerned about the past or future, family or death

Other spiritual care and specialty services are as follows:

  • Devotional materials for spiritual inspiration and comfort are available upon request.
  • Bibles are available upon request.
  • Worship Services – contact hospital chaplain for more information
  • Information about and/or help completing one’s Advance Directives; Medical Power of Attorney and/or Directive to Physicians, Families and Surrogates
  • Clinical Pastoral Education Program
  • Prayer Requests

BHS Chaplains – Champion Mission Focus

The Mission and Ministry team looks to the Baptist Health System mission as inspiration and motivation to provide compassionate care to our community. Our team members already strive to provide quality healthcare for our patients, but we know healthcare is more than treatment plans and medicine. It is about providing holistic care for our patients’ bodies, minds and souls. The Mission and Ministry Team encourages Baptist Health System team members to practice full-hearted healthcare designed for the whole patient, not just the illness or condition.

Mission & Ministry Theme

Each year, the Mission & Ministry team chooses a theme. This year, our theme is based on a simple poem.

I slept and dreamt that life was joy.

I awoke and saw that life was service.

I acted and behold, service was joy.

  • Rabindranath Tagore

Mission & Ministry Leadership

Chief Mission & Ministry Officer
Joe Perez, BCC
(210) 297-1142

Director of CPE
Jose Cedillo, BCC, ACPE Certified Educator
(210) 297-9759

Baptist Medical Center 
Rev. Darrell Boswell, MDiv, M.Ed, BCC
Director of Pastoral Care
(210) 297-8750

Mission Trail Baptist Hospital
Ismael Deluna, BCC
Director of Pastoral Care
(210) 297-3751

North Central Baptist Hospital
Mark Spain, BCC
Director of Pastoral Care
(210) 297-4751

Northeast Baptist Hospital
Rev. Tim Cranfill, DMin, BCC
Director of Pastoral Care
(210) 297-7250

St. Luke's Baptist Hospital
Keith Evans, BCC
Director of Pastoral Care
(210) 297-5751

Volunteer with Us

Here in the Baptist Health System, we consider our volunteers a vital part of treatment. When you serve with us, you restore our patients’ health and spirits.

Patient Prayer Request

Baptist Health System understands that tending to your spiritual needs is an important part of the healing process. You can submit prayer requests for yourself or a loved one for emotional support and spiritual rejuvenation.

Prayer Recipients Information

Your Information
