Clases sobre condiciones cardiovasculares y Eventos

¡Trate de tener un corazón saludable!

La educación es una parte integral de la misión del Baptist Health System, ¡y un elemento clave para mantener su salud! Cuanto más sepa sobre su salud cardíaca, mejor podrá cuidar de usted mismo. Vea todas las próximas clases y eventos relacionados con condiciones cardiovasculares, patrocinados por Baptist Health.

Para registrarse, use el siguiente formulario o llame al (866) 309-2873.

Check back soon, there are no classes currently scheduled for Baptist Health System.

Próximas clases y eventos

{{ FeaturedClass.classInternetTitle }}

{{ StripHtml(FeaturedClass.classDescription) }}

{{ FeaturedClass.locationLine1 }}

{{ SectionDate(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionTime(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}-{{ SectionTime(FeaturedClass.sectionEndDate) }}

{{ FeaturedClass.sectionOpenSlots }} Seats Remaining

{{ FeaturedClass.FeeMessage }}

{{ FeaturedClass.showSections ? '-' : '+' }} Show all dates and locations

{{ SectionMonth(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionDay(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

Multiple dates
and locations

{{ Class.classInternetTitle }}

{{ TruncateMessage(StripHtml(Class.classDescription)) }}

{{ Class.locationLine1 }}

{{ SectionDate(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionTime(Class.sectionStartDate) }}-{{ SectionTime(Class.sectionEndDate) }}

{{ Class.sectionOpenSlots }} Seats Remaining

{{ Class.FeeMessage }}

{{ Class.showSections ? '-' : '+' }} Show all dates and locations

{{ SectionMonth(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionDay(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

Multiple dates
and locations

There are no classes currently scheduled for this service. See all of the upcoming classes and events sponsored by Baptist Health System.

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