Nursing Faculty
We are delighted you have chosen Baptist Health System (BHS) for your student’s clinical experience. The information below will assist you and your students in preparing for a successful clinical semester at our hospitals. In preparation
for your student’s clinical experience, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the following:
Scheduling a Nursing Student Rotation
Undergraduate nursing student rotations must be requested well in advance of the rotation in order to identify appropriate units and allow adequate time for faculty and student preparation. Please contact your school’s Clinical Coordinator
to obtain a list of units, dates and times reserved for your student’s clinical group. Students may only rotate through areas that have been pre-approved for your group.
If students have been scheduled to observe in the Surgical Service areas, please have them report to the Board Runner no earlier than 0700. We ask that you refrain from sending more students to the ORs than approved for your group, as we must balance
both a positive learning experience and a safe environment for patients and staff.
Review of Student Policies
Before student’s arrive to our hospitals, we ask that you review our student policies with your student group:
- Medication Administration Process for Nursing Students
- Student/Faculty Infectious Illness and Clinical Restrictions
- Student Assignments at BHS Hospitals
- Student Affiliation Agreement and Orientation Requirements
Download policies. Additional BHS Policies and Procedures are located on the BHS Intranet homepage under the “Most Popular”
tab. Please ask our staff for assistance in locating policies.
Requesting a Hospital Tour
If this is your first time taking students to your assigned Baptist Hospital, we encourage you to schedule a tour of the hospital and units before bringing your students. To schedule a tour, please contact Lorna Thomas (
at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the clinical rotation.
Meeting the Unit Director/Manager
Prior to the start of your student’s clinical, please introduce yourself to the unit Director/Manager and provide:
- A copy of the student’s clinical objectives
- Your student’s rotation schedule
- Your contact information
We ask that you discuss the student’s scope of training, plans for medication administration, skills/procedures the students may participate with, and the level of supervision. The level of supervision and clinical skills your students may
perform on the unit will be mutually agreed upon by both parties.
Additional hospital resources and Student Paperwork Requirements
Additional hospital resources, including resource phone lists, hospital maps, parking instructions, electronic health record access & training requests, can be accessed by filling out the request form on this page.
Student Paperwork Requirements
You and your students will need to read the Student Orientation Booklet in its entirety. Once reviewed, please complete/sign and submit the following the orientation record, exhibits A & B from booklet, and the NICU Hand Hugiene Contract (only required
for students in the NICU). All completed forms are to be emailed to prior to the start of the rotation. Paperwork is not to be submitted to
staff at the hospitals.
Download Student Orientation Booklet
Incomplete/unsigned forms will be returned, and students will not be cleared to begin clinical until forms are complete.
On the Nursing Unit
Selecting patient assignments
Nursing students are expected to receive a shift report when coming on shift and provide a hand off report when leaving the unit for lunch/breaks and at the close of the clinical day. During shift report the nurses will not be available to assist with
patient assignments. Students who already have a patient assignment should listen to report. If you need assistance in arranging an assignment for a student, the Charge Nurse can assist after shift report is completed.
Posting Student Assignments
Clinical Instructors are to post a list of student assignments at the Nurses Stations (or in an area designated on the unit) using the Student Sign In/Out Form. The information on this form assists our staff with patient care, and provides an account of the students on the unit in the event of an emergency evacuation. The unit will retain the assignment sheet
at the completion of the day.
Student Supervision
The Clinical Instructor is to remain on or close to the unit at all times while the student is in the clinical setting. Nursing staff will assist students in the educational experience as time permits, however instructor supervision is expected
(unless the student is in a pre-arranged senior level formal preceptorship).
Student Passport Booklets
Your student should carry their school issued “Record of Nursing Skills: Clinical Passport” booklet at all times while on the unit. This passport booklet validates the nursing skills the student has completed in the lab as well as those
completed in the clinical setting. If your student does not have a clinical passport booklet, we ask that you assist the student in obtaining.
Faculty/Student Concerns
The chain of command approach should be used for faculty and student concerns. Please communicate initial unit concerns to the unit Charge Nurse/Supervisor or Unit Manager/Director. If you are unable to resolve the issue, please contact the
hospital’s Chief Nursing Officer, Compliance Officer, or Safety Officer.